Friday, December 14, 2007

Illegal Immigrants In NC Community Colleges

Check out the article here.

Personally, I think it is a great idea to allow illegal immigrants into our community colleges. Opposition to the NC Community College system’s decision to allow illegal immigrants to register for classes seems to be limited to the argument that these immigrants will rise up and take jobs, money, and power away from American citizens if they are allowed to attend community colleges.

The fact is that these “illegal” immigrants face prejudice on a massive scale. If a white American male citizen is accepted into a community college, it is expected. He will be offered a job out of college and able to afford basic necessities. If an undocumented immigrant is allowed to go to community college, it could potentially save his entire extended family from severe poverty, as it is likely that he will be the only one in the family to have a college education.

What is more important – that American citizens get all the American jobs, even if some immigrants are better for the job? Or that America as a whole is accepting of immigrants and helps to alleviate widespread poverty faced by already discriminated against immigrants? It is clear that the answer is to allow any qualified person a shot at making a living. After all, this is “the land of opportunity”.

Furthermore, many, if not all, of these immigrants seeking a college education were brought over with their parents when they were very young. Is it right to punish them for what their parents have done? They will need to save up the money to pay the out-of-state tuition, which will actually help the community colleges to make a profit.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Floating Mass Of Trash

There is a floating mass of trash in the Pacific Ocean that one scientist has estimated is TWICE THE SIZE OF TEXAS!

Check out the article in the San Francisco Chronicle here.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Free Rice Update has updated their site so that when you answer one question, they now donate 20 grains of rice instead of 10. That is double the amount of rice donated per question, so click the link and get to donating.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Salt Water As Fuel?

A man may have figured out how to convert salt water into fuel, instead of using oil or coal. He successfully figured out, on accident, how to burn salt water.

Check the link here:

or click the title of this post.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

A Sad Fact

It is sad, but true. The average age of a homeless person in the U.S. is nine years old.