Sunday, December 7, 2008

Top Ten Reasons to Oppose the IMF

taken from

What is the IMF?

The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank were created in 1944 at a conference in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, and are now based in Washington, DC. The IMF was originally designed to promote international economic cooperation and provide its member countries with short term loans so they could trade with other countries (achieve balance of payments). Since the debt crisis of the 1980's, the IMF has assumed the role of bailing out countries during financial crises (caused in large part by currency speculation in the global casino economy) with emergency loan packages tied to certain conditions, often referred to as structural adjustment policies (SAPs). The IMF now acts like a global loan shark, exerting enormous leverage over the economies of more than 60 countries. These countries have to follow the IMF's policies to get loans, international assistance, and even debt relief. Thus, the IMF decides how much debtor countries can spend on education, health care, and environmental protection. The IMF is one of the most powerful institutions on Earth -- yet few know how it works.


The IMF has created an immoral system of modern day colonialism that SAPs the poor

The IMF -- along with the WTO and the World Bank -- has put the global economy on a path of greater inequality and environmental destruction. The IMF's and World Bank's structural adjustment policies (SAPs) ensure debt repayment by requiring countries to cut spending on education and health; eliminate basic food and transportation subsidies; devalue national currencies to make exports cheaper; privatize national assets; and freeze wages. Such belt-tightening measures increase poverty, reduce countries' ability to develop strong domestic economies and allow multinational corporations to exploit workers and the environment A recent IMF loan package for Argentina, for example, is tied to cuts in doctors' and teachers' salaries and decreases in social security payments.. The IMF has made elites from the Global South more accountable to First World elites than their own people, thus undermining the democratic process.


The IMF serves wealthy countries and Wall Street

Unlike a democratic system in which each member country would have an equal vote, rich countries dominate decision-making in the IMF because voting power is determined by the amount of money that each country pays into the IMF's quota system. It's a system of one dollar, one vote. The U.S. is the largest shareholder with a quota of 18 percent. Germany, Japan, France, Great Britain, and the US combined control about 38 percent. The disproportionate amount of power held by wealthy countries means that the interests of bankers, investors and corporations from industrialized countries are put above the needs of the world's poor majority.


The IMF is imposing a fundamentally flawed development model

Unlike the path historically followed by the industrialized countries, the IMF forces countries from the Global South to prioritize export production over the development of diversified domestic economies. Nearly 80 percent of all malnourished children in the developing world live in countries where farmers have been forced to shift from food production for local consumption to the production of export crops destined for wealthy countries. The IMF also requires countries to eliminate assistance to domestic industries while providing benefits for multinational corporations -- such as forcibly lowering labor costs. Small businesses and farmers can't compete. Sweatshop workers in free trade zones set up by the IMF and World Bank earn starvation wages, live in deplorable conditions, and are unable to provide for their families. The cycle of poverty is perpetuated, not eliminated, as governments' debt to the IMF grows.


The IMF is a secretive institution with no accountability

The IMF is funded with taxpayer money, yet it operates behind a veil of secrecy. Members of affected communities do not participate in designing loan packages. The IMF works with a select group of central bankers and finance ministers to make polices without input from other government agencies such as health, education and environment departments. The institution has resisted calls for public scrutiny and independent evaluation.


IMF policies promote corporate welfare

To increase exports, countries are encouraged to give tax breaks and subsidies to export industries. Public assets such as forestland and government utilities (phone, water and electricity companies) are sold off to foreign investors at rock bottom prices. In Guyana, an Asian owned timber company called Barama received a logging concession that was 1.5 times the total amount of land all the indigenous communities were granted. Barama also received a five-year tax holiday. The IMF forced Haiti to open its market to imported, highly subsidized US rice at the same time it prohibited Haiti from subsidizing its own farmers. A US corporation called Early Rice now sells nearly 50 percent of the rice consumed in Haiti.


The IMF hurts workers

The IMF and World Bank frequently advise countries to attract foreign investors by weakening their labor laws -- eliminating collective bargaining laws and suppressing wages, for example. The IMF's mantra of "labor flexibility" permits corporations to fire at whim and move where wages are cheapest. According to the 1995 UN Trade and Development Report, employers are using this extra "flexibility" in labor laws to shed workers rather than create jobs. In Haiti, the government was told to eliminate a statute in their labor code that mandated increases in the minimum wage when inflation exceeded 10 percent. By the end of 1997, Haiti's minimum wage was only $2.40 a day. Workers in the U.S. are also hurt by IMF policies because they have to compete with cheap, exploited labor. The IMF's mismanagement of the Asian financial crisis plunged South Korea, Indonesia, Thailand and other countries into deep depression that created 200 million "newly poor." The IMF advised countries to "export their way out of the crisis." Consequently, more than US 12,000 steelworkers were laid off when Asian steel was dumped in the US.

The IMF's policies hurt women the most

SAPs make it much more difficult for women to meet their families' basic needs. When education costs rise due to IMF-imposed fees for the use of public services (so-called "user fees") girls are the first to be withdrawn from schools. User fees at public clinics and hospitals make healthcare unaffordable to those who need it most. The shift to export agriculture also makes it harder for women to feed their families. Women have become more exploited as government workplace regulations are rolled back and sweatshops abuses increase.


IMF Policies hurt the environment

IMF loans and bailout packages are paving the way for natural resource exploitation on a staggering scale. The IMF does not consider the environmental impacts of lending policies, and environmental ministries and groups are not included in policy making. The focus on export growth to earn hard currency to pay back loans has led to an unsustainable liquidation of natural resources. For example, the Ivory Coast's increased reliance on cocoa exports has led to a loss of two-thirds of the country's forests.


The IMF bails out rich bankers, creating a moral hazard and greater instability in the global economy

The IMF routinely pushes countries to deregulate financial systems. The removal of regulations that might limit speculation has greatly increased capital investment in developing country financial markets. More than $1.5 trillion crosses borders every day. Most of this capital is invested short-term, putting countries at the whim of financial speculators. The Mexican 1995 peso crisis was partly a result of these IMF policies. When the bubble popped, the IMF and US government stepped in to prop up interest and exchange rates, using taxpayer money to bail out Wall Street bankers. Such bailouts encourage investors to continue making risky, speculative bets, thereby increasing the instability of national economies. During the bailout of Asian countries, the IMF required governments to assume the bad debts of private banks, thus making the public pay the costs and draining yet more resources away from social programs.


IMF bailouts deepen, rather then solve, economic crisis

During financial crises -- such as with Mexico in 1995 and South Korea, Indonesia, Thailand, Brazil, and Russia in 1997 -- the IMF stepped in as the lender of last resort. Yet the IMF bailouts in the Asian financial crisis did not stop the financial panic -- rather, the crisis deepened and spread to more countries. The policies imposed as conditions of these loans were bad medicine, causing layoffs in the short run and undermining development in the long run. In South Korea, the IMF sparked a recession by raising interest rates, which led to more bankruptcies and unemployment. Under the IMF imposed economic reforms after the peso bailout in 1995, the number of Mexicans living in extreme poverty increased more than 50 percent and the national average minimum wage fell 20 percent.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

RIP Dominic Mallory

RIP Dominic Mallory singer of MA hardcore band Last Lights. Check out his other project here.

Awesome band, awesome front man and musician, and from what I hear (although I have not personally met him), an all around awesome guy.

Check out an article about it here.

RIP dude

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Life and Debt

Seriously, check out this amazing documentary about the ills of free trade, international lending, and what is essentially economic slavery that is going on all around the world right now. This documentary focuses on Jamaica.


And here is a pretty good article in the New York Times about the documentary.

Monday, November 17, 2008

The Bridge

A controversial, depressing documentary about people that commit suicide by jumping off of the Golden Gate Bridge. It definitely raises the obvious questions about suicide and mental health, but I think it also raises ethical questions about these filmmakers. One could argue that this documentary is exploitative of these peoples' problems and despair, or that it just simply documents what was happening. Either way, its interesting yet depressing.

I can't seem to embed this video, but the link to watch the entire thing is here. It is about an hour and a half long.

For those of you that don't want to sit through it but are still interested, here is a two and half minute trailer on youtube. Youtube wont let me embed the trailer either, so you will just have to watch it there.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Trash Talk, Bracewar, Alpha & Omega, Torch Runner

(click flyer for a larger view that isn't cut off)

Everyone in NC come out to this on wednesday! There will be stagedives and halloween costumes.

Guys and Dolls

A pretty creepy documentary about guys that have life-like dolls as life partners.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Tragic Comedy of the Drug War

Here is the first segment of 12 about the War On Drugs. Here are the links to the other segments:
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4 -
Part 5 -
Part 6 -
Part 7 -
Part 8 -
Part 9 -
Part 10 -
Part 11 -
Part 12 -

Keep in mind that I'm straight edge, which means that I don't drink, smoke, or do any illegal drugs. I'm all for decriminalization and regulation, and I think these videos make a lot of good points. If someone wants to drink, smoke, or do drugs, then that is their own business. If they choose to get in a car while intoxicated on anything, that is an entirely different story.

However I am more interested in the parts about the CIA's involvement in importing cocaine to the US to use the profit for the Contra War in Nicaragua. I think all the information about prisons is also very interesting, as is the info about pharmaceutical companies.

One part I thought was somewhat lame is near the end when they start talking about hallucinative drugs and how they help people "think out of the box." This is somewhat of a bullshit excuse because I am perfectly capable of thinking out of the box and I never have tried any hallucinative drugs. the videos and decide for yourself what you think about it.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Joshua Allen Harris' Inflatable Bag Monsters

This is an awesome idea that is really well done.

Zeitgeist 2: Addendum

Second installment of the Zeitgeist. It definitely has some interesting and thought provoking ideas. Even if you completely disagree with it, it is worth watching. Check it out here.

That page has links to both Zeitgeist 1 and 2.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

North Carolina in Upcoming Election

Apparently NC is a HUGE deciding factor in the election coming up. Check out this awesome election calculator

You can see how the election would play out if a certain candidate wins any given state. Check it out and mess around with it. If you live in NC, make sure you VOTE.

Friday, August 29, 2008

North Carolina Hardcore

If you live in the southeast and like hardcore/punk, check out this new message board I just started.

shows, venues, bands, carpools, community, and other cool stuff.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

La Jetee

Check out this old short film. I think it raises a lot of interesting questions about government, authority, and the nature of reality. Plus the way it is put together is interesting. I believe the movie 12 Monkeys was somewhat based off this.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Autism a Fraud?

Check out this link to a CNN video of a man calling autism a fraud. He says some of the most ridiculously ignorant things I have ever heard.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Nelson Mandela is Not a Terrorist

The U.S. finally dropped Nelson Mandela from a terrorist watch list. Check out the article here

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Graffiti Animation

Check out this awesome graffiti animation!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

I Read The News Today

(Click on the picture to see a bigger version)

This was news front page this morning. The combination of headlines just struck me as sad and ironic. China and Myanmar are in the wake of massive natural disasters and tragedies in which hundreds of thousands of people are dead or suffering. Meanwhile, George W. Bush of all people is demanding that Arab nations give their citizens more freedoms at the same time that a U.S. soldier is using the Quran for target practice in Baghdad. And of course, the celebrity-obsessed materialistic public MUST know the juicy details of Ashlee Simpson's fairytale wedding.

Saturday, April 19, 2008


Sorry for the lack of updates. I've actually been working on a ten page term paper about Unit 731 (see my last blog to learn more).

It has been super stressful lately. I have another crazy week, then exams, then I'm hopefully adopting my new dog Monty. So it might be a little bit, but trust me I will start updating more regularly.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Unit 731 - The Secret Japanese Holocaust

For some reason it wont let me embed the video here, but please go here and check out this youtube video.

I guess it isn't surprising that I was never taught about this in high school.

This is horrifying and disgusting.

Here is a small excerpt from wikipedia about unit 731. You can see the full page here. Keep in mind that this is just one small part of what they did to their victims.

Prisoners of war were subjected to vivisection without anesthesia. [7][6]
Vivisections were performed on prisoners after infecting them with various diseases. Scientists performed invasive surgery on prisoners, removing organs to study the effects of disease on the human body. These were conducted while the patients were alive because it was felt that the decomposition process would affect the results.[8][6] The infected and vivisected prisoners included men, women, children, and infants.[9]
Vivisections were also performed on pregnant women, sometimes impregnated by doctors, and the fetus removed.[10]
Prisoners had limbs amputated in order to study blood loss.[6]
Those limbs that were removed were sometimes re-attached to the opposite sides of the body.[6]
Some prisoners' limbs were frozen and amputated, while others had limbs frozen then thawed to study the effects of the resultant untreated gangrene and rotting.
Some prisoners had their stomachs surgically removed and the esophagus reattached to the intestines.[6]
Parts of the brain, lungs, liver, etc. were removed from some prisoners.[11][7][6]

They also did germ warfare testing, weapons testing, as well as other forms of torture to these chinese civilians.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Prescription Drugs Found in Drinking Water Across U.S.

Click here for a link to the CNN article about a study that found many different prescription and over the counter drugs in our water supply.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

New Technology Can Be Operated By Thought

Check out this article. This is seriously mind blowing. Scientists are developing technology that can be operated by thought. So far they have severely handicapped people composing and sending emails, and operating the tv with just their minds. They have also had a monkey operate a robotic arm to feed itself using only its thought. Amazing.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

How Can You Feel Safe Dialing 911?

This woman was the VICTIM of an assault and called the police to ask for help. She was then forcibly strip searched by multiple MALE police officers against her will and left naked in her cell for six hours without any medical attention to the wounds she received from the initial assault.

Check out the video and article here.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Enzyte Male Enhancement: Fraud

Check out this link to the Consumerist blog. The former vice president of the company has admitted that Enzyte is completely fiction.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Monday, January 14, 2008

Hiding in Plain Sight

Part art, part protest, part paranoia.

Check out this guy's entire life, posted on the internet here.

But before you do that, read the article and watch the video here.

Very interesting "project", if you can call it that.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Scientists Create Beating Hearts

Check out the article about scientists successfully creating beating rat hearts in a lab.