Friday, May 11, 2007

Free Trade vs. Fair Trade

This is a pretty good video about free vs. fair trade.

An article in the New Yorker called “Exporting I.P.” illustrates what the American government is doing to the rest of the world in terms of its free trade policy. Here is a quick excerpt:

“Free trade is supposed to be a win-win situation. You sell me your televisions, I sell you my software, and we both prosper. In practice, free-trade agreements are messier than that. Since all industries crave foreign markets to expand into but fear foreign competitors encroaching on their home turf, they lobby their governments to tilt the rules in their favor. Usually, this involves manipulating tariffs and quotas.”

It goes on to explain how America bullies other countries into changing their copyright laws in order to support American pharmaceutical companies.

It is well written article, check it out. I don’t have the link though, sorry.


Anonymous said...


We agree in agreement... Check out my MBA Program

I have linked your site with mine.



max said...

Alright I will check that out. Thanks man.